Delaware Valley Branch of the American Begonia Society - ABS

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Welcome to our web site!
Our branch belongs to the national American Begonia Society. Over the past years  we were able to secure many new species and hybrids. We will gladly share them with you at our monthly meeting.                                     


We hope the information on this website will kindle your interest in begonias.

 FIND US ON FACEBOOK @phillybegonias


With a limited number of members the branch received their charter on February 23, 2002 and today we have grown to 40 members. Most of the members belong to other plant societies which means we have experienced gardeners. Therefore, our meetings are conducted in an educational fashion to answer any question that may come up. We hold regular meetings at  he Huntington Valley Library, and on Zoom during covid.     

 Our newsletter editor welcome articles on how you grow your begonias. Submit questions and post your request for that begonia you wish to grow. The members can place announcements of their societies' meetings if they are submitted in time with our publishing schedule.


Rhizomatous Begonia called B' marmaduke

Rhizomatous The largest number of species begonias is rhizomatous. These plants have a thickened stem with short internodes, which usually runs on the soil .surface. Leaves come from the rhizome; rising above it, to form the plant. These plants usually flower in the winter and early spring, (January through May) with small white or pink flowers hanging on tall inflorescence that rise in the middle of the plant.

Begonias (genus Begonia) are among the largest of the flowering families. There are over 1500 species known. They are native of sub-tropical and tropical regions such as Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa and southeastern Asia.


The Chinese gardens were growing begonia species (B.grandis) as early as 1400 and were introduced into Japan in 1641. The first begonia (B.minor) was introduced to Western horticulturists at Kew in England in1777. Although no records of their arrival into North America are known, evidence shows many begonias state-side starting in the 1850.


The modern-day love of hybridizing begonias for colorful foliages and pretty blooms grew from then on, and today there are over 12,000 cultivars of begonias


 Last Updated  3/18/22 

Delaware Valley Branch of the American Begonia Society.
E-mail address to answer any questions,